Googs Track


A group of 4WD enthusiasts set of for a nine day trip which culminated with the driving of Googs Track just north of Ceduna.

After meeting a Dublin the group drove to Port Augusta through heavy and unrelenting rain. Fortunately by Port Augusta the rain had given way to clear skies. After a brief stop for lunch we drove north to Glendambo for a quick refuel stop and then on to Kingoonya. The night was spent at Kingoonya with a meal at the pub and sitting around the fire that was at the front of the pub for all to enjoy.

Next morning after receiving permission to use the roads that were closed we set off for Mt Ive Sheep Station. This was a short trip and once there we set up camp for three nights. The facilities were good and it was not long before we had a raging camp fire burning.

Sunday morning we drove one of the longer tracks and then in the afternoon a shorter one. All the tracks were very rocky which meant that you had to concentrate on where you were placing the car on the track.

Monday we drove out to Lake Gairdner the lake is over 300km long and at the moment is full of water all of which is rain water as it is not fed by any major rivers. On the way back to camp we detoured and drove up Mt Ive. The track was extremely rocky and was slow going but the view was worth the effort.

Tuesday we drove to Pildappa Rock a wave rock formation then on to Smokey Bay were we spent the night.

Wednesday we drove to Ceduna and stocked up on last minute supplies and filled the vehicle for the track. It was not long after passing the sign that told us we were on Googs Track. It was not long until we hit the first sand dune and there was plenty more after that. About 40km along the track we came to the memorial and the Money Tree and not to further on was Googs Lake and the camp ground were we spent the night. Again there was a large warm campfire. So far the weather had been excellent with warm sunny days and some cool nights.

Thursday we spent all day on the track sand dune after sand dune the lead to the top of each ridge was very bumpy from vehicles scoring the track and causing deep corrugations. However the views from the top of the dunes were spectacular. For the most part of the drive we did not need to get into low range as the driving was easy and the track was firm. We eventually arrived at Mount Fink which had a Bush Camp ground (no facilities). Again we sat around the camp fire and discussed and joked about what we had seen and done.

Friday Wolf and Rudy left early as Rudy had injured himself overnight and needed medical attention. The drive to the end of the track had some of the more challenging dunes as there was plenty of soft sand. Once off the track we headed back to Kingoonya via Tarcoola were we explored the old pub and houses were it looked like the people just walked out and left everything. We spent the night at Kingoonya with a meal at the pub and staying in cabins at the caravan park.

Saturday was the long drive home and again run into rain south of Port Augusta.


02    03  07

Kingoonya Hotel                                        First Camp Mt Ive              Interesting rock formation

08   10    12

Sunrise Mt Ive                               Sturt Desert Peas      Lake Gairdner

15   16  19

Cars group photo                              Wombat Hole                                   View from Mt Ive

  20      24  25  

Pildappa Rock                                     Money Tree                       Memorial at Googs Track

28  23  41

Googs Lake                                     View of Googs Track               Climbing a Sand Dune

38  47  

Another Sand Dune                      Mount Fink


Tarcoola Pub

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